Consignment Note Generator Features
The first Connote Generator was installed in mid 2000 and has constantly evolved striving to be the best fit for each organisation.

We actively encourage our clients to talk to us about their business and how it works so we can configure and enhance our product to serve them better.

Our committment to compatiblity means an upgrade causes no disruption to your operations.

Consignment Note Generator

Easy to use = saves time on every transaction and on training new staff
Save time = save money, hand labeling freight and hand writing consignment notes is time consuming and inaccurate. Mark it accurately and quickly.
Save on Losses = correctly and clearly marked freight fits the carriers operations so greatly reduces the chances of losses
Print labels in the carriers format = ensures your freight fits their system making it easier for them to deliver
NO Label charge = industry standard label you buy from anywhere ensuring you get the lowest price
NO Consignment charges = standard A4 plain paper consignment note, your next connote is from REFLEX no special premium priced paperwork
NO Data charges = cheaper freight because the carrier is not paying for your data they are not passing on the cost
Order number only = record all order numbers on the consignment note even if they all go in the one box
Field checking = confirms the weight, cubic and item counts, saves you wasting labels when you put the weight in the items column ( it happens to everyone at least once )
Mandatory field selection = ensure the weight or cubic is always entered if you need to
Items and Pallets on each line = record the number of items on the pallet if necessary, helps if the pallet gets broken down by accident
Multiuser = supports up to 5 stations.
IT Department Friendly = easy to setup, no unwanted automated updates that stop it all working. Manual updates can be operator applied.

Solutions and Services

Consignment Note Generator
Carrier Cost Hawk
Delivery Management Assistant
Proof of Delivery Performance
Carrier Rate Comparison

You can contact Grahame Williams on 0422 199 403 or

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